Best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf
Best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf

best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf

In fact,Ĭontents Planes How Green Was My Mutant Some Ideas Missed in Metamorphosis Alpha Alternate Beginning for Metamorphosis Alpha Hints for D&D Judges The Play's the Thing Languages The Development pf Towns in D&D Lei There Be a Method to Your Madness Designing for Unique Wilderness Encounters The Total Person in Metamorphosis Alpha How Heavy Is My Giant Notes from a Semi-successful D&D Player Tolkien in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS The Meaning of Law and Chaos in D&D D&D Is Only as Good as the DM Gary Gygax on DUNGEONS & DRAGONS The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Magic System Monster Reference Table Addition Miscellaneous TreasureĢ 3 4_ 5 7 10 11 -12 14 16 17 19 21 22 23 26 -27 28 29 -30

best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf

For instance: As you'll see, the type was generally smaller back then. Even if you don't own any of the issues published from 1975 through 1978, you can get a very clear idea of the kind of material that The Dragon (as it was known back then) was filled, with, and how that material was displayed and portrayed.


Volume 1 stands by itself in our series of anthologies as the only collection of previously published articles that displays those articles with the same titles, the same typography, the same everything that they had in the magazines from which they were taken. But we haven't done a thing to the rest of the book - and the rest of the book is what matters, isn't it? All of the game-related articles are presented here in exactly the same form and substance as they appeared in every previous printing of this anthology - and that also happens to be exactly the way they were published in the various issues of the magazine where they first saw the light of day. We plugged new artwork into some of the old advertising space, and we compressed the book so that it's eight pages thinner than it used be. We took out the advertising that appeared in the original Collector's Edition and all of the subsequent printings, because the prices, the products, and sometimes even the companies have long since gone out of date. , This might more properly be called Volume 1.1 in our series of anthologies, because it's not quite the same as the editions of Volume 1 that have preceded it.

best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf

Fortunately, I have a lot of space left in which to do just that. Both of those statements call for some explaining. And, judging by how many copies of this anthology are sold, we'll be able to learn sometbing important about all of you. If you read it, you'll find out a lot about DRAGON® Magazine - what it used to be like, and how it has evolved since the early years. 1984īy Kim Mohan, DRAGON Magazine Editor-in-chiefĮither way you look at it, this is a very revealing magazine. OUNGEOMS & DRAGONS and D&0 are regislefed trademarks of TSR, Inc. Tlic ot"fici:il Dis^D^ Gompanion rul«, wrirten hy I-rank Mentzer, are for character levels 15-25 and allow you to add greater realisin :md dcpth to your campaigns. CREAT1ON,dyoi,r OF K1NGDOMS!ĭUNGKONS & DRAGONS Role-Playing Game cjmpaign to inckulc estahlishing u dominion :uul bringiag civili/.ation to the wilderness.

Best of dragon magazine volume 2 pdf