Kodak capture pro auto color detect
Kodak capture pro auto color detect

kodak capture pro auto color detect

Designed for mass-consumer camera applications such as mobile phones, Kodak’s new sensor enables a new level of resolution in small optical formats, using significantly smaller pixels. The company has combined its recently announced Color Filter Pattern technology with a new CMOS pixel to create the KODAK KAC-05020 Image Sensor, the world’s first 1.4 micron, 5 megapixel device. 4 - Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:EK) is enabling a new level of performance in consumer imaging devices by redesigning the basic building blocks used to collect light and is incorporating that technology into a brand-new sensor. It could allow larger sensors to become more pixel-dense without a loss of quality, though.Ī CMOS chip with a pMOS detector layer is fabricated using the same processes as existing CMOS sensors, so would not require any fundamental re-tooling to put into large-scale production. The benefits will not be so pronounced for larger sensors, says Mosleh.

kodak capture pro auto color detect

However, these are the improvements offered in the tiny 1/4" and 1/3.2" sensors used in cell phone cameras.

Kodak capture pro auto color detect iso#

This means ISO 1600 performance with the amount of noise you'd usually expect to see at ISO 400. Using the pMOS detection layer may boost this figure by between 10 and 15 percent, says Fas Mosleh, Director Worldwide Marketing and Business Development at Kodak, resulting in around a 2-stop improvement overall depending upon the pixel design and size. This may not sound much but it means a High ISO CFA chip would produce the same amount of noise at around ISO 1270 as a conventional sensor would be expected to at ISO 400. Internal tests suggest this color filter array produces the same signal-noise ratio at sensitivity levels around 1.6-1.7 stops higher than those using Bayer pattern filters. Kodak's sensor combines this hole-counting technology with its "High ISO CFA" (Color filter array), that includes clear, luminance-detecting, pixels as well as the red, green and blue-detecting ones used in traditional Bayer-pattern filters. Pixel temporal noise, the randomly occurring noise that builds up over the time the sensor is active, is reduced by around 40%. Dark current (essentially the background noise generated by the sensor itself) is reduced by more than 30 times - a benefit that comes from the differing chemistry of pMOS-based pixels. This is thought to be because the holes are less mobile than electrons and cannot jump to adjacent pixels (the remaining crosstalk is thought to be due to light spilling between pixels, rather than the holes). Kodak has reported that this hole-counting technology reduces crosstalk between adjacent pixels by three to four times. This is achieved by using a pMOS, rather than nMOS layer to do the detection. In addition, the detector layer of the chip works the opposite way 'round from existing sensors in that it detects the holes left by electrons, rather than the electrons themselves. The sensor differs from conventional sensors in two ways: firstly it uses Kodak's "High ISO color filter array," which the company announced in late 2007. Most of the benefits appear to be most relevant at the very small, cell phone camera scale but it does appear to be an interesting new way of doing things. Although initially aimed at the cell phone camera market the technology is scalable to the digicam and DSLR markets, the company says.

kodak capture pro auto color detect

Kodak used PMA to announce a novel sensor technology that could offer cleaner high-ISO images. Having spoken to Kodak regarding the TRUESENSE CMOS Pixel, we have added a short editorial to further explain the workings of this new sensor technology. The Kodak KAC-05020 also incorporates Kodak's TRUESENSE Color Filter Pattern which adds panchromatic (transparent) filters to the usual Red Green and Blue, further improving luminance sensitivity. Conventional designs count electrons which are generated when light hits the silicon from which they are constructed but this new chip works in roughly the opposite fashion, reversing the 'polarity' of the silicon in order to measure the 'holes' which remain when electrons are generated. The new technology is to be offered initially in 1/4" format suitable for mobile phone cameras but should be scalable to larger formats should the concept prove successful. Kodak has announced a new sensor which promises to improve the efficiency of CMOS designs with extremely small photosites.

Kodak capture pro auto color detect